Monday, July 13, 2009

Productivity and Competitive Advantage

Aside from the promise of eliminating idling, and thus improving the state of CO2 emissions for a given buisness organization, GPS technology will help the buisness bottom line in the realm of maintenance. Sophisticated software coupled with GPS capability can help perform predictive analysis, monitoring equipment and other high-value assets remotely, and ensuring that vehicles and other potentially hazardous machinery are secure, safe, and kept in top shape.

The E.P.A.(Environmental Protection Agency) suggests that one way to reduce air pollution is to get regular engine tune-ups; certainly this emerging GPS tracking technology would provide a more accurate and timely measurement of those descriptive factors to buisnesses in order that they might comply with Government regulation amidst such a diverse contemporary business environment. As the world becomes progressively flat, in terms of how a global digital environment affects the way people, countries, and business organizations interact, in order to compete with massive emerging economies of the world, it would definately serve to benefit companies that they invest in the R&D(research and Development) necessary to implement these potentially business saving GPS tracking technologies.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me think of traffic! I saw where GPS was being used to track traffic and travel. They had a few thousand people sign up and then could track the movements in mass, sending the information to a computer that could determine flow and movement patterns of this large group. One thing this did was provide real time traffic information!
    By the way this me the prof using a different account!
