Monday, October 18, 2010

My My, Where to begin?

American economic interests and investment and growth and research and develpment and great business managers and citizens and great prosperity and innovation, which have all driven our quality of life and those of third-world nations higher in a shorter amount of time than any civilization in the history of the planet, are slipping through the fingers of the salty-hardworking taxpayer( as opposed to the slimy-politician) faster than sand through a seive; florida sand- the kind that is so fine its like the coke they smuggle into the states all along those entrenched narco routes through the caribbean. Through all those dirty-'democratic' island nations which are sufferers of failed socialist/Marxist policies of redistributive and communal-progressive living situations where they accept the power and authority of the ruling few at the expense of their liberty, dignity, and prosperity; vast networks exist to continue to support the U.S. Black Market. And things are only gunna get worse before they get better; so look out.
In fact, those slimy politicians, while the taxpayer gets screwed, are gunna continue to play political games with the nation's time and money until they are voted out of office; but i'm sure not before those shady bank accounts are padded, or someone gets killed or something. this is Big Slimy Buisness- akin to The Godfather part III when the Don tries to take the Family GLOBAL in order to justify his shady fortune made by shady dealings. What does he find? two things, first- that the catholic Catholic Church is already more corrupt than even the bloodthirsty Italien Mafia... and two, that every time he tries to get out of the Business, it 'pulls him BACK IN!' I love this story, it's really timeless. We will never change the nature of man, of the world, or of our need to participate in the institutions of buisness which arrive there forthwith; namely - economics and accounting. Financing certainly is dependant on these supreme factors of business accumen.

and oh yeah, I almost forgot Mr. Coppola's genius in revealing the 3rd demension of the pursuit of worldly ends for personal gain and how divine justice and retribution in the lives of men account for his continually breaking that covenant which God has with men through the life, death, and resurrection to life again of Jesus Christ who is known as the savior of men in Christianity. which now brings me to my next post which will detail for you all the finer points of the Social Justice, Green, and also the Laussanne Movement and how they propose to allay the world's ills.

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